Postet av Norges Hundekjørerforbund den 27. Mai 2020
IFSS informerte i dag om at EM-barmark er 2020 er avlyst, grunnet den usikre situasjonen rundt Crovid-19 viruset.
Her er informasjonen fra IFSS:
IFSS European Championship Dryland 2020 has been cancelled due to the current situation with Covid-19 pandemic and the uncertain travel restrictions in Europe still in place. When travel restrictions will be lifted is very unclear and therefore it is not fair to athletes or to organizers to plan for this event. There is also a “second wave” of the pandemic predicted to hit in the fall. IFSS and the sled dog sport is not unique to cancel events, the entire world of sports has to either cancel or postpone championship events due to the pandemic.
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