IFSS inviterer til VM i Langdistanse
Postet av Norges Hundekjørerforbund den 14. Sep 2022
Newsletter IFSS 14.sept. 2022
Please find attached the Invitation for the IFSS Long Distance World Championships 2023 – Finnmarksløpet.
IFSS WCh LD 2023 Finnmarksløpet INVITATION
The Championships will take place March 10-19, 2023 in Alta, Norway. Please also note the other published documents on the IFSS website under Events/IFSS World Championships and World Masters.
As mentioned in the Invitation all competitors do the registration personally. All competitors must hold a valid DID number for the registration. NOTE! A valid DID number is a signal to IFSS and RGO that the DID holder is entitled to represent his/her Member Federation in the event.
Ninni Hjortvall
IFSS VP of Sport
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