Vaksinasjon før VM snø 2019
Postet av Norges Hundekjørerforbund den 8. Nov 2018
Alle som ønsker å kvalifisere seg til VM snø 2019 må vaksinere hundene sine mot både kennelhoste og leptospirose. Dette kommer i tillegg til grunnvaksine (DHP) og rabies. Se mer informasjon i svar fra stevneveterinær lenger ned.
Det er viktig at kennelhostevaksinen har komponenter mot både parainfluenza og bordetella.
I invitasjonen står det følgende:
Required vaccinations for all dogs, including dogs not racing: Rubarth hepatitis, canine
parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis, rabies, kennel cough (bordetella bronchospetica).
For leptospirosis and kennel cough, it should have been done less than 1 year before
the race (if kennel cough is done with an intranasal, less than 6 months is advised but
not mandatory due to laboratories recommendations).
Hvis du ikke har vaksinasjon i orden bør dette fikses så fort som mulig!
Svar fra stevneveterinær i Frankrike:
Regarding mandatory vaccines:
Rubarth hepatitis, canine parvovirus, distemper, leptospirosis, rabies, kennel cough (bordetella bronchoseptica + parainfluenza).
For leptospirosis and kennel cough, it should have been done less than 1 year before the race (if kennel cough is done with an intranasal, less than 6 months is advised but not mandatory due to laboratories recommandations).
For the other one, the last boost should have been done according to the manufacturer recommandations (meaning if a vaccine has an agreement for three years, it will be ok for us).
The last boost must have been done at least 21 days before the race.
Regarding leptospirosis, it is not mandatory in France, but mandatory in our federation on our races. Indeed, this disease is presented in France, contagious and zoonotic.
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