Postet av Norges Hundekjørerforbund den 20. Nov 2020
Vi fikk i går kveld informasjon fra IFSS om at generalforsamlingen er utsatt grunnet uforutsette tekniske problemer og CROVID19 situasjonen i Sverige.
Dear Members, Dear Delegates of IFSS General Assembly
The online General Assembly that was to take place November 23 2020 has been postponed – the new date will be announced shortly.
Due to unforeseen technical reasons and the Covid-19 pandemic situation in Sweden that has worsen the last days the decision has been taken by Council to postpone the online General Assembly. With increased restrictions on travel and meetings, it has been a struggle to coordinate how Council members along with technicians could safely administer the meeting, because even though it is an online meeting for all delegates, council members must be present to coordinate and run the meeting. This did not prove to be manageable given the current situation. I do not want to risk that anyone becomes infected and sick.
I trust you all respect and understand this decision of the Council. These are unpredictable times that we all live in and some unpredictable decisions have to be made and I hope this does not cause too much inconvenience to the delegates.
Helen Lundberg
IFSS President
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