Introduction Course for Race Veterinarians (Rookie veterinarian Course) Alta
Norges Hundekjørerforbund
Påmeldingsfrist: 16.02.2024 02:30
Introduction Course for Race Veterinarians (Rookie veterinarian Course)
- For veterinarians who want to work with long-distance sled dogs
Target Audience:
Veterinarians and final year veterinary students. The course is for those who plan to participate in competitions as event veterinarians/race veterinarians for the first time (rookies) in Norway.
Norwegian Dog Sledding Association (NHF)
Learning Objectives:
After completing the course, participants will be equipped to function as race/event veterinarians at dog sledding competitions in Norway with the responsibility to ensure good animal welfare, handle the most common dog health-related challenges that can occur in a race situation, know the relevant legislation, be able to assist mushers and organizers with professional assessments within dog health and welfare. Furthermore, there will be teaching and training on the practical implementation of race veterinary work in the field so that one can work in an efficient and calm manner at checkpoints, and in this way have confidence in one's independent decisions in a hectic competition situation. The main focus will be on long-distance sled dog races.
Location: Alta.
When: Wednesday, March 6, 2024, 13:00-19:00
Participation is free for the ones that have sign up for the race as a race veterinarian.
Registration by February 15, 2024
If you need further information or have any questions, contact Geir Wiik e-mail:dyrekiropraktor@gmail.com
Main Speakers:
Kitty Marie Killi Jevne, veterinarian/animal chiropractor. Affiliated with Racevets and is an experienced race veterinarian from the major long-distance races in Norway. Owns Øya Veterinary Clinic where she is the regular veterinarian for many sled dog kennels and where she works daily with working dogs. Member of the Ethics and Community Committee of the Norwegian Dog Sledding Association (NHF) which among other things arranges courses with a focus on animal welfare in competitions. Kitty herself has ten huskies and is often out with her dog team.
Geir Wiik, chiropractor/animal chiropractor. Has competed in long-distance dog sledding for many years, including running the Femundløpet, Finnmarksløpet, and Pasvik trail. Held numerous courses and lectures on dog sledding, injury prevention, and kennel management. Formerly been a TD (judge) in dog sledding. Approved animal welfare inspector by NHF. Treated dogs chiropractically for almost 30 years. Currently undergoing a Master's degree in Public Health at the University of Tromsø.
13:00 - 15:00
Welcome/presentation of speakers/participants.
Long-distance sled races - what is it?
Before the race:
- Pre-check of dogs participating in the race.
- Race regulations.
- Doping.
15:00 - 17:00 During the race
- What is the overarching task of a race veterinarian.
- Communication veterinarian/musher/organizer/authorities.
- Filling out the veterinary book in races.
- Common diseases and injuries that can occur during races, and how these are treated. Common reasons for dogs to be taken out of the race/“dropped”.
17:00 - 19:00 Practical with dog
- Body score - what is it and how do we do it. by Kitty
- Lameness examination and clinical examination of dogs in a race situation.
- Handling of tired dogs.
- Medicine cabinets and equipment in the field.
There will be short breaks in the lecture blocks. Light snacks will be served.
Changes to the program may occur.
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