Nytt DID register – IFSS
Postet av Norges Hundekjørerforbund den 19. Jun 2019
IFSS introduces a new system for DID – Driver Identification Number
Starting out June 1st, 2019 a new system for the DID (Driver Identification Number) will be in use.
Athletes who want to participate in a World- or a Continental Championship need to have a DID. This also apply to athletes who participates in the World Cup and want to earn points.
NEWS for DID starting out June 1, 2019
The DID number each athlete now gets when signing up will be following each individual as long as they are registered within the system. The DID will be a three (3) letter and four (4) digit number for example an athlete from Norway will get a number starting out with NOR1037.
Every DID holder also agrees to IFSS Privacy Policy to be compliant to the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).
The DID will be associated to an unique email address so if a family of four (4) persons used to have the same email each person now will have to use a unique email since this will be the username to get access to “Member Page” (Examples of functions that will be built afterwards).
The DID fee will be defined by the IFSS Council on an annual basis. It is 45 EUR for the season 2019/2020.
The new DID system will be a unique tool for both athletes and for IFSS.
World Cup
– Easier and quicker to calculate points.
– Statistics will be easier to pull out.
– Historic results for each DID will be available.
– Easy to pull out results for different cups – such as specific country/continental cups.
Member Page (Examples of functions that will be offered)
– Personal training log – you can record daily training routines
– Training log for dogs – record your dog/dogs training runs
– Listing of all your dogs with microchip number
– Creating a chip list for dogs, easy to print out
– Personal photo gallery that the athlete has approved to be used by media
– Personal presentation approved to be used by media
– Electronic signing of race documents
– All personal racing records using DID will be listed.
For more general information and how to register see under Driver ID on website.
Helen Lundberg
IFSS President on behalf of IFSS Council
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NB: Husk å kjøpe DID!