VM vinter 2021 AVLYST!

Postet av Norges Hundekjørerforbund den 2. Des 2020

Vi fikk i går den tristebeskjeden om at VM i Sverige dessverre er avlyst.  Grunnlaget for avlysningen, er den ustabile utviklingen av CROVID19-pandemien i verden.  Selv om vi i det lengste hadde håpet at  mesterskapet skulle kunne avholdes, har vi stor respekt for avgjørelsen til IFSS og WSA.

IFSS skriver:

It is with great sadness that we have to announce that the first joint IFSS/WSA World Championships in Sweden in March 2021 will not be going ahead. We had desperately hoped that the situation would be different but the ongoing Covid-19 crises across the globe means that we are unable to offer fair races that are accessible to all competitors.

As a result, we have decided to cancel the 2021 World Championships in Särna, Ramundberget and Åsarna.

Conversations about future championships are ongoing and we will provide a further update on this before the end of the year.

Helen Lundberg – President IFSS
Arno Steichler – Chairman WSA
Anders Hörnlund – Chairman SPHK/Polardistans